The Big Bang Fair
13-16 March 2014
13 March 2014 | 14 March 2014 | 15 March 2014 | 16 March 2014 |
Event team
Brunel University
Peter Hobson, Paul Kyberd
Lancaster University
Robin Long, Roger Jones
Queen Mary, University of London
Honor Elliott, Tom Stevenson
Royal Holloway, University of London
Ian Connelly, Michele Faucci-Giannelli
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Stephen Burke, Stephen Haywood
University College London
Peter Davison, Gavin Hesketh, Andreas Korn
University of Birmingham
Cristina Lazzeroni, Paul Newman, Konstantinos Nikolopoulos, Angela Romano, John Wilson
University of Bristol
Mark Grimes, Ryan Page, Daniel Saunders
University of Cambridge
Sam Gregson, Karl Harrison, Steve Kaneti, Stephen Wotton, Boruo Xu
University of Edinburgh
Adam Morris
University of Liverpool
Allan Lehan
University of Manchester
Summer Blot, Giulio Dujany, Darren Price
University of Oxford
Will Fawcett, Chris Hays
University of Sheffield
Dimitris Kyriazopoulos, Kerim Suruliz
University of Sussex
Itzebelt Santoyo-Castillo
University of Warwick
Paul Harrison, Theresa Harrison, Michel Janus, Tim Martin